Property Taxes

Property taxes provide the Municipality with the funds required to deliver many day-to-day services and programs. Your property taxes are determined by multiplying the current value or "assessment" of your property by the annual tax rate for the property type or "property class". The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) has created a helpful video to explain how property tax is calculated

To learn more about the assessment process, please see our property assessments page

Bluewater issues two tax bills annually. Each billing is split into two installment due dates. The interim tax bill due dates are the last business day of February and May. The interim tax bill is based on 50% of the prior year's taxes. Interim tax bills are mailed out in early February.  

The final tax bill due dates are the last business day of September and November. Final tax bills are mailed out in early September. Final taxes are calculated using your property assessment multiplied by the applicable tax rate for the class of property as shown on the tax billing, less what was levied on the interim billing.

Make sure to keep your final tax bill for your records as it shows the annual taxation amount for the current year.

For information about pre-authorized payment plans and different payment options, see our payment options page.

Tax rates

Tax rates are adopted by by-law. To request a copy of current or past-years' by-laws, please contact the tax clerk

This table shows the 2024 tax rates for residential, new multi-residential and multi-residential properties.

Category Lower general OPP special levy Upper general Education Education payment in lieu of taxes
Residential occupied 0.00441622 0.00078154 0.00523593 0.00153000 N/A
Residential FAD Phase 1 0.00110406 0.00019539 0.00130898 0.00038250 N/A
New multi-residential occupied 0.00485784 0.00085969 0.00575952 0.00153000 N/A
Multi-residential occupied 0.00485784 0.00085969 0.00575952 0.00153000 N/A

This table shows the residential tax rates for street lights.

Street Light System Residential-Occupied Residential-FAD Phase 1 New multi-residential-occupied Multi-residential-occupied
Bachand 0.00032748 0.00008187 0.00036023 0.00036023
Bayfield 0.00016883 0.00004221 0.00018571 0.00018571
Bayview 0.00011216 0.00002804 0.00012338 0.00012338
Brucefield 0.00099347 0.00024837 0.00109282 0.00109282
Dashwood 0.00055492 0.00013873 0.00061041 0.00061041
Dinsley Terrace 0.00021123 0.00005281 0.00023235 0.00023235
Harris 0.00030452 0.00007613 0.00033497 0.00033497
Hensall 0.00027393 0.00006848 0.00030132 0.00030132
Kippen 0.00112909 0.00028227 0.00124200 0.00124200
Lakewood 0.00016294 0.00004074 0.00017923 0.00017923
Varna 0.00031110 0.00007778 0.00034221 0.00034221
Zurich 0.00039243 0.00009811 0.00043167 0.0043167

This table shows the 2024 tax rates for different categories of commercial properties.

Category Lower general OPP special levy Upper general Education Education payment in lieu of taxes
Occupied 0.00485784 0.00085969 0.00575952 0.00880000 0.00980000
Excess land 0.00485784 0.00085969 0.00575952 0.00880000 0.00980000
Vacant land 0.00485784 0.00085969 0.00575952 0.00880000 0.00980000
On-farm business 1 0.00121446 0.00021492 0.00143988 0.00220000 N/A
On-farm business 2 0.00121446 0.00021492 0.00575952 0.00220000 N/A

This table shows the commercial tax rates for street lights.

Street Light System Occupied Excess land Vacant land On-farm business 1 On-farm business 2
Bachand 0.00036023 0.00036023 0.00036023 0.00009006 0.00009006
Bayfield 0.00018571 0.00018571 0.00018571 0.00004643 0.00004643
Bayview 0.00012338 0.00012338 0.00012338 0.00003084 0.00003084
Brucefield 0.00109282 0.00109282 0.00109282 0.00027320 0.00027320
Dashwood 0.00061041 0.00061041 0.00061041 0.00015260 0.00015260
Dinsley Terrace 0.00023235 0.00023235 0.00023235 0.00005809 0.00005809
Harris 0.00033497 0.00033497 0.00033497 0.00008374 0.00008374
Hensall 0.00030132 0.00030132 0.00030132 0.00007533 0.00007533
Kippen 0.00124200 0.00124200 0.00124200 0.00031050 0.00031050
Lakewood 0.00017923 0.00017923 0.00017923 0.00004481 0.00004481
Varna 0.00034221 0.00034221 0.00034221 0.00008555 0.00008555
Zurich 0.00043167 0.00043167 0.00043167 0.00010792 0.0010792


This table shows the 2024 tax rates for different categories of industrial properties.

Category Lower general OPP special levy Upper general Education Education payment in lieu of taxes
Occupied 0.00485784 0.00085969 0.00575952 0.00880000 0.00980000
Excess land 0.00485784 0.00085969 0.00575952 0.00880000 0.00980000
Vacant land 0.00485784 0.00085969 0.00575952 0.00880000 0.00980000
On-farm business 1 0.00121446 0.00021492 0.00143988 0.00220000 N/A
On-farm business 2 0.00121446 0.00021492 0.00575952 0.00220000 N/A
FAD phase 1 0.00110406 0.00019539 0.00130898 0.00038250 0.00038250

This table shows the industrial tax rates for street lights.

Street Light System Occupied Excess land Vacant land On-farm business 1 On-farm business 2 FAD phase 1
Bachand 0.00036023 0.00036023 0.00036023 0.00009006 0.00009006 0.00008187
Bayfield 0.00018571 0.00018571 0.00018571 0.00004643 0.00004643 0.00004221
Bayview 0.00012338 0.00012338 0.00012338 0.00003084 0.00003084 0.00002804
Brucefield 0.00109282 0.00109282 0.00109282 0.00027320 0.00027320 0.00024837
Dashwood 0.00061041 0.00061041 0.00061041 0.00015260 0.00015260 0.00013873
Dinsley Terrace 0.00023235 0.00023235 0.00023235 0.00005809 0.00005809 0.00005281
Harris 0.00033497 0.00033497 0.00033497 0.00008374 0.00008374 0.00007613
Hensall 0.00030132 0.00030132 0.00030132 0.00007533 0.00007533 0.00006848
Kippen 0.00124200 0.00124200 0.00124200 0.00031050 0.00031050 0.00028277
Lakewood 0.00017923 0.00017923 0.00017923 0.00004481 0.00004481 0.00004074
Varna 0.00034221 0.00034221 0.00034221 0.00008555 0.00008555 0.00007778
Zurich 0.00043167 0.00043167 0.0043167 0.00010792 0.00010792 0.00009811


This table shows the 2024 tax rates for occupied landfills, pipelines, farm, and managed forests.

Category Lower general OPP special levy Upper general Education Education payment in lieu of taxes
Landfills-occupied 0.00485784 0.00085969 0.00575952 0.00677916 0.00677916
Pipelines-occupied 0.00309135 0.00054708 0.00366515 0.00458716 0.00458716
Farm-occupied 0.00110406 0.00019539 0.00130898 0.00038250 N/A
Managed forests-occupied 0.00110406 0.00019539 0.00130898 0.00038250 N/A

This table shows the landfill, pipeline, farm and managed forest tax rates for street lights.

Street Light System Landfills-occupied Pipelines-occupied Farm-occupied Managed forests-occupied
Bachand 0.00036023 0.00022924 0.00008187 0.00008187
Bayfield 0.00018571 0.00011818 0.00004221 0.00004221
Bayview 0.00012338 0.00007851 0.00002804 0.00002804
Brucefield 0.00109282 0.00069543 0.00024837 0.00024837
Dashwood 0.00061041 0.00038844 0.00013873 0.00013873
Dinsley Terrace 0.00023235 0.00014786 0.00005281 0.00005281
Harris 0.00033497 0.00021316 0.00007613 0.00007613
Hensall 0.00030132 0.00019175 0.00006848 0.00006848
Kippen 0.00124200 0.00079036 0.00028227 0.00028227
Lakewood 0.00017923 0.00011406 0.00004074 0.00004074
Varna 0.00034221 0.00021777 0.00007778 0.00007778
Zurich 0.00043167 0.00027470 0.00009811 0.00009811

This table shows the 2023 tax rates for residential, new multi-residential and multi-residential properties.

Category Lower general OPP special levy Upper general Education Education payment in lieu of taxes
Residential occupied 0.00409275 0.00079561 0.00500913 0.00153000 Not applicable
Residential FAD Phase 1 0.00102319 0.00019890 0.00125228 0.00038250 Not applicable
New multi-residential occupied 0.00450203 0.00087517 0.00551004 0.00153000  Not applicable
Multi-residential occupied 0.0.00450203 0.00087517 0.00551004 0.00153000 Not applicable

This table shows the residential tax rates for street lights.

Street Light System Residential-Occupied Residential-FAD Phase 1 New multi-residential-occupied Multi-residential-occupied
Bachand 0.00032748 0.00008187 0.00036023 0.00036023
Bayfield 0.00017103 0.00004276 0.00018813 0.00018813
Bayview 0.00011420 0.00002855 0.00012562 0.00012562
Brucefield 0.00102203 0.00025551 0.00112423 0.00112423
Dashwood 0.00057158 0.00014290 0.00062874 0.00062874
Dinsley Terrace 0.00021123 0.00005281 0.00023235 0.00023235
Harris 0.00030452 0.00007613 0.00033497 0.00033497
Hensall 0.00027951 0.00006988 0.00030746 0.00030746
Kippen 0.00112909 0.00028227 0.00124200 0.00124200
Lakewood 0.00017451 0.00004363 0.00019196 0.00019196
Varna 0.00031205 0.00007801 0.00034326 0.00034326
Zurich 0.00039694 0.00009924 0.00043663 0.00043663

This table shows the 2023 tax rates for different categories of commercial properties.

Category Lower general OPP special levy Upper general Education Education payment in lieu of taxes
Occupied 0.00450203 0.00087517 0.00551004 0.00880000 0.00980000
Excess land 0.00450203 0.00087517 0.00551004 0.008800000 0.00980000
Vacant land 0.00450203 0.00087517 0.00551004 0.00880000 0.00980000
On-farm business 1 0.00112551 0.00021879 0.00137751 0.00220000 Not applicable
On-farm business 2 0.00450203 0.00087517 0.00551004 0.00220000 Not applicable

This table shows the commercial tax rates for street lights.

Street Light System Occupied Excess land Vacant land On-farm business 1 On-farm business 2
Bachand 0.00036023 0.00036023 0.00036023 0.00009006 0.00036023
Bayfield 0.00018813 0.00018813 0.00018813 0.00004703 0.00018813
Bayview 0.00012562 0.00012562 0.00012562 0.00003141 0.00012562
Brucefield 0.00112423 0.00112423 0.00112423 0.00028106 0.00112423
Dashwood 0.00062874 0.00062874 0.00062874 0.00015718 0.00062874
Dinsley Terrace 0.00023235 0.00023235 0.00023235 0.00005809 0.00023235
Harris 0.00033497 0.00033497 0.00033497 0.00008374 0.00033497
Hensall 0.00030746 0.00030746 0.00030746 0.00007687 0.00030746
Kippen 0.00124200 0.00124200 0.00124200 0.00031050 0.00124200
Lakewood 0.00019196 0.00019196 0.00019196 0.00004799 0.00019196
Varna 0.00034326 0.00034326 0.00034326 0.00008581 0.00034326
Zurich 0.00043663 0.00043663 0.00043663 0.00010916 0.00043663

This table shows the 2023 tax rates for different categories of industrial properties.

Category Lower general OPP special levy Upper general Education Education payment in lieu of taxes
Occupied 0.00450203 0.00087517 0.00551004 0.00880000 0.00980000
Excess land 0.00450203 0.00087517 0.00551004 0.00880000 0.00980000
Vacant land 0.00450203 0.00087517 0.00551004 0.00880000 0.00980000
On-farm business 1 0.00112551 0.00021879 0.00137751 0.00220000 Not applicable
On-farm business 2 0.00450203 0.0087517 0.00551004 0.00220000 Not applicable
FAD phase 1 0.00409275 0.00079561 0.00125228 0.00038250 0.00038250

This table shows the industrial tax rates for street lights.

Street Light System Occupied Excess land Vacant land On-farm business 1 On-farm business 2 FAD phase 1
Bachand 0.00036023 0.00036023 0.00036023 0.00009006 0.00036023 0.00032748
Bayfield 0.00018813 0.00018813 0.00018813 0.00004703 0.00018813 0.00017103
Bayview 0.00012562 0.00012562 0.00012562 0.00003141 0.00012562 0.00011420
Brucefield 0.00112423 0.00112423 0.00112423 0.00028106 0.00112423 0.00102203
Dashwood 0.00062874 0.00062874 0.00062874 0.00015718 0.00062874 0.00057158
Dinsley Terrace 0.00023235 0.00023235 0.00023235 0.00005809 0.00023235 0.00021123
Harris 0.00033497 0.00033497 0.00033497 0.00008374 0.00033497 0.00030452
Hensall 0.00030746 0.00030746 0.00030746 0.00007687 0.00030746 0.00027951
Kippen 0.00124200 0.00124200 0.00124200 0.00031050 0.00124200 0.00112909
Lakewood 0.00019196 0.00019196 0.00019196 0.00004799 0.00019196 0.00017451
Varna 0.00034326 0.00034326 0.00034326 0.00008581 0.00034326 0.00031205
Zurich 0.00043663 0.00043663 0.00043663 0.00010916 0.00043663 0.00039694

This table shows the 2023 tax rates for occupied landfills, pipelines, farm, and managed forests.

Category Lower general OPP special levy Upper general Education Education payment in lieu of taxes
Landfills-occupied 0.00450203 0.00087517 0.00551004 0.00677916 0.00677916
Pipelines-occupied 0.00286493 0.00055693 0.00350639 0.00458716 0.00458716
Farm-occupied 0.00102319 0.00019890 0.00125228 0.00038250 Not applicable
Managed forests-occupied 0.00102319 0.00019890 0.00125228 0.00038250 Not applicable

This table shows the landfill, pipeline, farm and managed forest tax rates for street lights.

Street Light System Landfills-occupied Pipelines-occupied Farm-occupied Managed forests-occupied
Bachand 0.00036023 0.00022924 0.00008187 0.00008187
Bayfield 0.00018813 0.00011972 0.00004276 0.00004276
Bayview 0.00012562 0.00007994 0.00002855 0.00002855
Brucefield 0.00112423 0.00071542 0.00025551 0.00025551
Dashwood 0.00062874 0.00040011 0.00014290 0.00014290
Dinsley Terrace 0.00023235 0.00014786 0.00005281 0.00005281
Harris 0.00033497 0.00021316 0.00007613 0.00007613
Hensall 0.00030746 0.00019566 0.00006988 0.00006988
Kippen 0.00124200 0.00079036 0.00028227 0.00028227
Lakewood 0.0019196 0.00012216 0.00004363 0.00004363
Varna 0.00034326 0.00021844 0.00007801 0.00007801
Zurich 0.00043663 0.00027786 0.00009924 0.00009924

Supplementary tax bills

Supplementary tax bills are issued by the Municipality in addition to the the interim and final tax notices. They reflect any additions or improvements made to a property. Supplementary taxes are due on various dates depending on the date of issue. They are issued when:

  • Owners of new construction, both residential or commercial, will receive a land only tax bill until such time as the “bricks and mortar” are assessed. Following assessment, the supplementary tax bill will be issued and is effective from the date of occupancy.
  • A property ceases to be exempt from taxation or ceases to be eligible for assessment at the farm value, managed forest, or conservation lands.
  • A property ceases to be classified in a subclass of real property, farmlands awaiting development, commercial or industrial vacant land.
  • A property becomes liable for taxation in a different property class.

It can take up to three years for a property to be assessed. Supplementary billings can occur anytime during the year. Taxes for three years could be billed all within the same year and come due at the same time. For this reason, you are encouraged to start setting aside funds immediately following your purchase for the future supplementary tax bills.

To avoid a delay, you can also phone the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) at 1-866-296-6722 to request an inspection of your property when an addition or improvement is made.

It is your responsibility to ensure your contact information is updated with the Municipality to avoid late penalties. Penalties resulting from incorrect contact information will not be waived.

Change of ownership

When a property changes ownership, the Municipality will mail a tax bill to the property owner on record when the tax bills are issued. An ownership change fee of $40 is added to the account as set out in our fees and charges by-law. Where there are two owners on an account and one is being removed, no fee is charged.

When buying a property, check with your lawyer or our tax department to confirm when the next property tax payment is due.

If you receive a tax bill for a property that you no longer own, please contact the tax clerk. If the property has changed ownership, send the tax bill to the new owner, or return it to the tax clerk, indicating to whom the transfer of title has been made. To prevent misdirected tax bills, please advise the tax clerk in writing of mailing address changes. Failure to receive a tax bill could still result in penalty and interest charges of 1.25% per month applied to unpaid accounts.

Late payments

Penalty and interest charges for late payments are set in accordance with the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001. Penalties and interest are charged at 1.25% and are applied on outstanding amounts on the first day of the month. Penalties and interest are deducted first from all payments made and the balance, if any, will be applied to the oldest outstanding balance first.

Failure to receive a bill does not excuse the property owner from payment responsibility.

Tax certificates

Tax certificates are issued upon request. They include certified information on the status of a property tax account. The cost is $50 per certificate.

Tax certificate requests along with a copy of the payment cheque can be can be emailed to the tax clerk or faxed to 519-236-4329 to begin the process. However, the original signed request and payment cheque will need to be received in office before a tax certificate will be released. Cheques must be made payable to the Municipality of Bluewater.

Please mail, courier, or deliver the original form and payment to Municipality of Bluewater, 14 Mill Ave, Zurich ON N0M 2T0

Tax certificates are processed on a first come, first served basis. We do not offer rush services.

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