Property Assessments>
In 2016, every property owner in Bluewater received a Property Assessment notice from the Municipal Property Assessment Corporations (MPAC) updating the value of their property. The notice reflects the assessed value and classifications (residential, commercial, industrial, farm) of your property as of January 1, 2016. The assessment is applied over the next four tax years. Please note the Province has deferred the next evaluation date for assessment phase in.
To learn more about how increases in assessed value are phased-in, watch MPAC's Understanding Phase-in video.
To assess your property, MPAC analyzes property sales in your area. This method is called Current Value Assessment. For residential properties, the five main factors that account for the majority of your properties value include location, lot dimension, living area, age of property (adjusted for major renovations/additions), and quality of construction. For farm properties, MPAC looks at farmland, residence, residence land, farm outbuildings, and other buildings.
To learn more about how residential and farm properties are assessed, watch MPAC's videos:
Farm property owners can get more information to help them understand their assessment by viewing MPAC's Farm Property Assessments page.
Property owners in the residential, farm, and managed forest property classes who have concerns with the current value assessment or classification of their property should contact the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) by first submitting a Request for Reconsideration (RFR) form. MPAC will conduct a review. This service is free of charge. Deadline to file is printed on your Property Assessment Notice.
Property owners in all other classes can choose to file either a RFR (Non-Residential) or proceed directly with an Assessment Review Board Appeal (ARB).
Visit to learn more about how your property was assessed. Look for your Roll Number and Access Key on your Property Assessment Notice to register.
To file a complaint with the Assessment Review Board, a property owner must have previously submitted a Request for Reconsideration to MPAC by the deadline printed on your assessment notice. The deadline to file with the ARB is 90 days from the mailing date on the RFR decision from MPAC. For those filing directly with the ARB the deadline is March 31st.
For more information about assessment appeals, please visit the Ontario Land Tribunals.
Municipality of Bluewater
14 Mill Avenue
N0M 2T0
Phone: 519-236-4351
or 1-877-236-4351
Fax: 519-236-4329
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